School Information


Affiliation Status

SENIOR Secondary Level

Affiliation Number: 130455

Period of Affiliation: 01-04-2023 to 31-03-2027

Details of Fees Structure

1 Primary Rs: 30,000 Rs: 5,000
2 Middle Rs: 34,000 Rs: 7,000
3 Secondary Rs: 36,000 Rs: 9,000


1 Principal Room 1
2 Class Room 57
3 Library 1
4 Physics Lab 1
5 Maths Lab 1
6 Chemistry Lab 1
7 Biology Lab 1
8 Computer Lab 1
9 Staff Rooms Lab 6
10 Other Rooms 4

Class Wise strength of School for the current session

1 Class 1 10
2 Class 2 20
3 Class 3 30
4 Class 4 80
5 Class 5 160
6 Class 6 320
7 Class 7 360
8 Class 8 400
9 Class 9 440
10 Class 10 397


Class room management program for teacher's arranged by CBSE, Centre of Excellence Traning for Teacher's Kakinada - Jan-26th & 27th - 2019

Inclusive Education program for teacher's arranged by CBSE, Centre of Excellence Traning for Teacher's Kakinada - Oct - 12th & 13th - 2019




affidavit affidavit



I feel privileged to present a brief roundup of the current academic session.

I believe that the purpose of education is to make a child capable of facing the challenges and needs of present day world. The objective of MIS relies on this and provides each child an opportunity to participate in all activities conducted in school. These opportunities provide the child to develop curiosity to learn, and motivates him to be constant learner.

MIS is established and guided by eminent educationist duo, Mr. KNV Rajasekar and Mrs. Gayani Rajasekhar.


Montessori Indus School, Kurnool started in 2015 and is affiliated to CBSE since 2017. This is the first academic year that our children of X class facing their first hurdle, i.e. board exam. I hope our students show their fullest abilities in the exam and come out with flying colors. I wish them all the best.

The school has spacious class rooms with latest technology adopted and made into smart class rooms, fit with audio-visual systems. Our school equipped with a computer lab, a science lab, Math Lab and Robotics lab to facilitate in every aspect of learning. We have appointed qualified and experienced teachers to enable quality learning. We endeavor every moment to the betterment of the child joined in our school.

Sports and Games

A sound body will have a sound mind. The children are provided training in various areas and levels of with well experience physical education staff.

Our children participated at local, Regional, Zonal and National level sports and games competitions and also selected for U-17 & U-19 level at zonal and national levels.

Yoga and swimming is a regular activity in our school.

Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities provide children opportunities to show case their talents. Class wise competitions were conducted throughout the year in Singing, Dances, Drama & Skits, Bhagawadgita Recitation, etc.

Apart from conducting National festivals- Independence Day and Republic Day, other important days like World Environment Day, World Yoga Day, World Population Day, Teachers Day, World Safety Day Mathematics Day and Science Day were observed in our school and also awareness programs were conducted locally by involving our students.

Various competitions in Mathematics were held on the occasion of Mr. Srinivasa Ramanujan’s birthday.

A Science fair also organized on 28th February, 2020 on the occasion of C.V. Raman’s Science Day.

Other Activities

Field trips to local dairy and post office were conducted to all classes to understand the methods of milk packing and work process respectively.

Our children participated in various Essay Writing, Elocution, Debate, Painting and Drawing competitions and bagged the top spot in every competition participated.

Whether academics or non-academics our students left their mark by bagging medals and trophies.

In Balotsav, a government organized children competition, also our children participated in various activities and bagged trophy.

Every student is given opportunity to participate in various competitions like, IGKO, IEO, NSO, IMO and ANCQ conducted by national organizations, where in many participants received Cash awards, Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.

As I conclude, I take an opportunity to thank all the heads, the staff and non-teaching staff without whose cooperation this academic year ended with vibrant colours.

Finally, I thank the parent community and students who whole heartedly supported in completing the tasks in this academic year effectively. I hope the same patronage will be continued by the parents in the forth-coming years.

I promise we strive every moment to make your aspirations fulfilled and your trust on us not deviated.

