About MIS


Course Title

  • Primary School
  • Middle School
  • High School


  • Prep 1 & 2 to Grade 5
  • Grade 6 to 8
  • Grade 9 & 10
  • Grade 11 & 12


  • Chrysalis

ISAP - Indus School Advanced Program for IIT-JEE and NEET Foundation


The curriculum at MIS is designed under the brand name ‘Chrysalis’ meaning a cocoon or a place where transition from ‘Larva to Butterfly’ takes place. Here the approach is on thought provoking learning to transform “Classrooms to Think rooms”.


The early year's program is structured to allow teachers to understand the needs of an individual child. The methods are combination of Montessori and experiential learning in a play way approach through LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).

Qualification and adaptability to the changing educational scenario is the important criteria for our academic staff. Further, intensive training programmes are conducted periodically to ensure that their skills are constantly enhanced. Later we extend to work with Council of International Schools (CIS) for implementing the ICSE program and provide outstanding education in Kurnool.

Chrysalis is a well – researched school curriculum and technology solution with the brain – based approach to learning, based on extensive desk and field research.

The Chrysalis Approach ensures that the child

• Is involved in learning process.
• Is made to ‘think’
• Learns by doing
• Is continuously assessed (both formative and summative)

The aim of Chrysalis approach is to create a transdisciplinary curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for learners in the 3-10 age range. It strongly believes that all students should be supported to participate in the programme to the fullest extent possible and that the curriculum must include all student activities, academic and non-academic that have an impact on student learning.

MIS curriculum comprises of three interrelated components, expressed in the form of the following three open-ended questions, each of which compels teachers to think deeply about their own practice with regard to student learning.

1. What do we want to learn? - The written curriculum

• The identification of a framework of what’s worth knowing

2. How best will we learn? - The taught curriculum

• The theory and application of good classroom practice

3. How will we know what we have learned? - The assessed curriculum

• The theory and application of effective assessment Thus, a balance is sought between acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understanding, demonstration of positive attitudes, and taking of responsible action. In terms of achieving this balance, the five essential elements of the written curriculum are emphasized.



Montessori with a legacy of more than four decades initiated an early learning centre for students in age groups 3 to 10 years in an anglicized atmosphere with an International touch comprising modern trends in education.

The 30 acre MIS campus endowed with green lawns and vast play-grounds is ideally suited for an International School. The campus is in harmony with nature for joyful learning. MIS strongly believes that education should be a balance between academic and co-curricular activities, theoretical and practical learning and a balance between traditional teaching methods and new-generation teaching aids. Here the emphasis is on learning and facilitation and not on teaching or memorising.

Boarding & Campus

The residential school is spread across on a 30 acre campus with extravagant boarding and schooling facilities. The school boasts of modern sports infrastructure for all major games and a spacious indoor swimming pool. All classrooms are equipped with interactive smart boards to help students understand the concepts better through multimedia presentation and visuals. The school has a fully equipped medical health centre and a good library.

Salient Features

• Congenial environment with air cooled, vibrant and spacious class rooms
• Healthy teacher-student ratio of 1:30
• Technology used as a tool for teaching
• Balanced and nutritious diet
• Math Lab, Computer Lab, Science Lab and Robotics
• Medical Room
• Transport Facility
• Well trained and caring faculty with motherly touch
• Cubicles for books & accessories to reduce the burden of bags
• Multi-sport playground with green lawns and play corners

Co-curricular Activities

Sports, Arts, Music & Dance are a part of the curriculum. At MIS, Yoga, Karate and Aerobics are encouraged for physical development and are an integral part of the curriculum. Swimming is compulsory and is imparted under the guidance of qualified & experienced coaches.

Feedback Process

The purpose of the feedback form is to create a direct platform for the stakeholders (parents, family or students) to share their general feedback about the school, infrastructure or management. This will be different from grievance form, which will focus on a specific incident of dissatisfaction of the customers. The feedback points will then be collated, reviewed and implemented owing to their feasibility.

Click Here to open Feedback Form

Grievance Process

When there is a complaint or concern, parents are advised to speak to the person most directly involved (teacher, staff etc). This is the informal complaint method. If they are not satisfied with the outcome or with the efforts, there will be a grievance form available online or in school office. The purpose of the form is to establish second mode of communication for the dissatisfied stakeholders, only after the informal complaint method fails.

Click Here to open Grievance Process